Powering K-12 Education Systems Since 2001

LTGI.net – we are software developers that help K-12 school districts and mid-size business connect & transform data into information.

We evolve the data from your student and other systems (SIS) into powerful information and tools including PowerSchool®, Infinite Campus®, Synergy® and others.

We connect data from student systems, employee systems, manufacturing systems, workspaces (like google and Microsoft), Microsoft Active Directory® and virtually every data format.

Contact us at:

+01 (248) 601-7300

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A quick phone call or demonstration is easy to set up.

some of our work includes…

QR-code, SAML SSO logins for students

For learners too young to type their email address and password, our QR-code login system uses a student-specific printable desk sign that can be used with a student Chromebook, iPad or other device camera to automatically log in a student into an AD account, SAML or oAuth SSO (single sign-on) for frictionless access to District applications.

K-12 AD importer from SIS, sql data, .csv, .txt, json & more

Our AD Importer reads student and staff information from your SIS, employee management systems or other and imports them each night into Microsoft Active Directory®.

You can deactivate accounts, create new accounts, add users to groups, assign home directories and use the full set of AD fields. The import process feeds from your student and employee management systems enabling you to automatically activate/deactivate users as students and staff leave or join the District.

Our AD Importer helps eliminate “lost” AD accounts by setting an expiration date for accounts. If a student or staff member is removed from the nightly data, their account will automatically be deactivated in 30 days. Account expiration dates are updated each night to provide 30 days from the last update.

K-12 AD web password change

Students and staff that use iPads or Chromebooks need a way to change their AD password but there is no built-in application that enables that. Our web-based AD Password Change tool enables students to enter their student ID number or current password or other unique AD field to change their Microsoft Active Directory® password.

Open Campus® (from our sister company, Safe Scan Solutions, llc)

Open Campus® works with your existing barcoded student ID cards. It reads information from your Student Information System and provides students with a “Green” (good to go) screen or “Red” (not permitted) screen when their ID card is scanned. Building administrators are able to determine the criteria for the approval (green) and denial (red) screens, using student GPA, parent permission, behavior incidents, Administrative permission or other SIS information.

Applicant Central® – employment recruiting, posting, applicant tracking and management

Attracting and hiring the best candidates begins with the first interaction with a potential new hire. That’s why Applicant Central® is the preferred solution for making the posting, application, and hiring processes easy. Applicant Central™ combines recruiting, qualifying and hiring into an automated and seamless process. Candidates search for job postings in your district, complete on-line applications, upload their resumes, transcripts, certificates, and other documents. And since you can communicate instantly via email, you’ll spen less time answering telephone questions. With Applicant Central® you’ll radically change how you hire the best staff.

LTGI UpGrade™ – high-speed web-based report cards

With UpGrade™, your staff can enter, edit, and print report cards—anywhere, any time and they can see student photos on-screen or print on report cards. UpGrade™ supports multiple classes, buildings, and grade levels per teacher as well as multiple report card formats for each student and for each grade, and multi-page report cards or multiple report cards per page as well as Specials cards, split-classes, and team-teaching. Likewise, users can use graphical, spreadsheet, or yearly data entry—whichever they can print their cards from home, using most any common browser.